Award of Excellence Guidelines and Nomination Form Minimize

Thank you for your interest in submitting a nomination for ITA's Annual Awards of Excellence.  Please read the following guidelines, and fill out the nomination form:



Nomination Process

  • Honorees can be nominated by ITA members or non-members.
  • Announcements regarding the new nomination form and awards criteria will be made via ITA’s ListServe and eFollowspot.
  • Nomination forms will be circulated by email and available on ITA’s website.
  • Nomination forms can be completed and submitted online or via email or conventional mail. 
  • If nominations are not received, no award will be given. 
  • If more than one nomination is received, they will be reviewed by the appropriate Division Representatives and recommendations will be made to the Board.

Types of Awards

Award of Honor:  
Recipient consistently meets awards criteria over a period of years and is a model for excellence in the field of theatre arts.

  • Award of Honor – member
  • Award of Honor – non-member

Division Awards:  
Recipient consistently meets awards criteria and is a model for excellence in a specific field of theatre arts.

  • College/University Theatre
  • Community Theatre
  • Creative Drama 
  • Professional Theatre
  • Secondary School Theatre
  • Theatre for Young Audiences

Anne Thurman Mentorship Award:
Recipient provides extraordinary mentorship to theatre artists and educators throughout the state, helping to cultivate the highest standards of excellence in the field.

Division Awards Criteria
(For Community Theatre, Creative Drama, Professional Theatre, Secondary School Theatre, Theatre for Young Audiences)
Note: There are separate criteria for College/University Theatre -- listed below

Awardees must provide proven and solid leadership among peers.

Awardees must develop innovations in the field of theatre.

Standards of Excellence:
Awardees must promote and develop highest standards.

Awardees must make far-reaching contributions to the field of theatre, and/or to the Illinois Theatre Association.

Awardees must be involved in the cultivation of others in the broader theatre community, and bring theatre arts to new recipients.

Awardees must instill passion for theatre arts in students or colleagues.

Awardees must encourage individual growth and personal development through theatre arts.

Awardees must be effective advocates for the Illinois theatre community.

Division Awards Criteria
(for College/University Theatre Division)

Awardees must be known in Illinois for excellent contributions to the field through any combination of publication(s), creative work, conference presentations, administration, and service to theatre in the state of Illinois.

Time Tested:
Awardees must be Associate or Full Professors (including emeritus status) at the time of nomination with noted achievement(s) from at least six years of activity within the state of Illinois.

Awardees must be authentic role models not only to peers, but also students of theatre in the state of Illinois.

Awardees must be involved in the cultivation of the careers of others in the broader theatre community.

Awardees must be effective advocates for the Illinois theatre community.

Letters of recommendation:
Three letters of recommendation from students and peers addressing the criteria listed above must be submitted along with the Awards of Excellence Nomination Form.

Award Criteria for the Anne Thurman Mentorship Award
Mentor: (Mirriam-Webster Dictionary) A wise and trusted counselor or guide. (Synonyms: coach, teacher, nurturer…)

Anne Thurman was the quintessential mentor.  As a teacher, she demanded excellence from her students. However, those demands were tempered with her willingness to support, advise, and lead her students through the process they needed to succeed. If a student failed, she considered it HER failure! Her mentorship of her students did not end when their class ended. She continued to follow their careers, attend their productions, and support their projects. In addition, she felt that, as a professional, it was her duty and responsibility to be active in her field’s professional associations. Therefore, the Illinois Theatre Association’s Anne Thurman Mentorship Award should be presented to an individual who embodies the following:

Excellence in the teaching of drama/theatre at the K-12 or College/University levels.

A History of putting students first: embracing and supporting their needs & triumphs in the classroom and beyond.

Leadership in the drama/theatre professional organizations: Illinois Theatre Association and the American Alliance for Theatre & Education.

Leadership in the guidance and improvement of the field of drama/theatre education.

Innovative Contributions to the field of drama/theatre education.

Passion for the field of theatre instilled in students, colleagues, & the community.

Continued Development/Growth in the field of drama/theatre arts

Advocacy  for the continued growth, development, and existence of drama/theatre in education, the community, and the state of Illinois.